Concept Collage

Site Plan

Bubble Diagram & Parti
Blocking Diagrams
Level 1 Zoning Diagram
Level 2 Zoning Diagram

User & Wayfinding Study

Level 1 Plan

Level 2 Plan

Level 1 Reflected Ceiling Plan

Level 2 Reflected Ceiling Plan

Main Concourse
Spread over two levels, the Main Concourse is the central area of travel and movement for all users, and is the heart of Commerce Square Station. The space is grounded by the Food Hall, Ticketing, Shops, and other amenities. The upper and lower levels of the Concourse emphasize efficient traffic flow and stimulating design elements that keep users engaged and excited, as well as serving as directional and wayfinding keys.
The Upper Concourse provides ample seating, key connectivity to eating and drinking, and easy access to the Skywalk, the main thoroughfare towards departing and arriving trains.
A welcoming customer service area elevates the experience by using its location to capture attention from both indoors and out, while remaining tucked out of the way of key traffic flows.
Food Hall
The food hall features a unique array of options, including Sprig & Sprout's vegan offerings, Za'atar's Middle Eastern flavors, and Edmund Bacon Cheeseburger's classic American dishes and a namesake inspired by the famous Philadelphia city planner.
Osaka is The Concourse's fine dining restaurant, looking to the classic colors of Japan, while carrying modern elements inspired by the futuristic city of Osaka throughout the space.
Research Booklet
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